
Single-player AI assistance

Built a real-time AI assistant that helps players learn a dynamic decision making task. It is an approximation to a traveling salesman problem with moving destinations. Work related to this was published at the ACM Collective Intelligence Conference.

Task Illustration The human player (red avatar) must click on the 2-D game space to execute interceptions. We manipulated the presence or absence of an AI assistant. This assistant helped players make decisions on which targets to intercept and how to intercept them. The AI does not execute these suggested actions but instead provides an optimal interception point (green ‘x’).

Multiplayer Collaboration

This project seeks to understand the trade-off between performance and human-acceptance in human-AI collaboration scenarios.

Current manuscript is under development!

Also developing software to extend this to online human-to-human collaboration.

Task Illustration A Human (red avatar) work alongside an AI collaborator (green avatar) to get as many points as possible. Current manuscript designs agents with varying levels of consideration for the human player to discover the subjective, non-perforamnce driven, traits of AI agents that make them good collaborators.

Personal Projects

UsedSurf BoardSearch

Built a search engine for the worlds largest used surfboard shop, UsedSurf. This product allows surfers to find their desired board and be notified, via email, whenever there is inventory that matches their search.